Music Policy

100% Guaranteed Lyric-Safe Music

Every song in our database has been triple-screened for both language and lyrics, so you have the peace of mind knowing that you never have to worry about what’s going to play next. As of June 2024, we have over 43,000 songs in our database, and we add new songs weekly. So you also don’t have to worry about hearing the same songs over and over again.

Music Screening

We use a rigorous screening process to ensure that every song in our database is 100% lyric-safe and family-friendly. Every song is screened by at least 3 members of our Music Review Team.

We take this responsibility very seriously, and our top priority is to make sure that no songs play which could cause embarrassment to any of our partners. While the definition of “family-friendly” can certainly be interpreted in different ways, we have a clearly defined set of standards for what goes on our “No Play” list:

  • Songs with profanity or racial slurs of any kind.
  • Songs that are degrading and/or disrespectful to women.
  • Songs that encourage/glorify alcohol or drug use, sex or guns.
  • Songs that encourage/glorify violence against women, police or any specific group.
  • Songs that encourage illegal activity of any kind.

We do not consider music to be family-friendly if the offending content has simply been “dropped” or “bleeped” out. We believe that this approach simply results in drawing even more attention to the offending language, so we do not play songs that have been edited in this manner.

Your Custom Music Mix

You are in control of the type of music you and your guests hear by selecting what genre or genres you want to hear played. Our easy-to-use software allows you to select what proportion of songs you want from over 90 categories of music. You can also pick the specific songs you want programmed on your radio station.

Adding your Music or Requested Songs

For GameTime and Neptune Radio Level 1 and above partners, we are happy to accept song suggestions as well as actual MP3 files of songs, but they will not be cleared for placement on a station until our Music Review Team has reviewed and approved them. If songs don’t meet the family-friendly guidelines laid out above, we will notify the submitting partner and explain why we will be unable to play the songs in question. Depending on demand, this process typically takes 3-5 business days to complete.

We are also happy to add school fight songs or company jingles that can be programmed or played on demand.

Please note: this service is not avaible for On Demond Only or SchoolZone partners.

Ready to Stop Worrying About Music?

Contact us for a customized quote and to receive a free custom demo to hear how great Neptune GameTime will sound at your school or how great Neptune Radio will sound at your venue.